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New Year, New Home Improvements

At Wall2Wall we love a good New Year’s Resolution, especially when we can help make them happen. With over 80% of resolutions being abandoned in the first month, we know we all need help along the way, so we’ve checked to see what the most common resolutions are this year, and how we can help you achieve them. 

1: To save more money 

Obviously, we’re not in a position to advise you about your finances, but we understand how important it is to get great value for money. That’s why we will keep helping you save money on your home improvements so you only pay for the work you need help with. 

Let’s start with something quick and simple. Bleeding your radiators. 

Make sure your heating is off before you start, safety first. Find your radiator key, a cloth, and a small takeaway tub or similar) 

Take your radiator key (available from any plumbing merchants or hardware store) and turn the bleed valve at the top of your radiator (see diagram). Leave the valve open until all air has been released and a little water starts to trickle out (this is why you will need a cloth and tub). Then close the valve again and move onto the next radiator.

instructions on how to bleed a radiator

How will this save you money? Any air trapped in a radiator will cause it to be less efficient, meaning you will need to leave the heating on longer to heat the house. The longer your heating is on, the more you will have to pay for it. 

2. To exercise more

According to research by Sky and Fiit over half of us would prefer to exercise at home, but this is tough when you have to clear things away every time you feel motivated and ready to workout. With well designed and masterfully built storage solutions our carpenters can help you make the most of your living space and find all the room you need to get healthy at home. 

3. To eat healthier

According to a study by Cambridge University people who cooked five nights a week were 24 percent less likely to have excess body fat, but if you hate your kitchen, it's much harder to avoid those nights out at restaurants, or ordering a cheeky takeaway. Have a look at our November blog to find some top tips to renovate your kitchen on a budget.

4. Spend more time with friends and family

According to Wickes over 60% of people in the UK are embarrassed to invite people over to their homes due to the way the interiors look. We can help you to realise your home improvement goals and create an area you are proud to show off to any visitor, and save money on inviting them for food and drinks in expensive cafes. 

5. To reduce spending on living expenses.

Research from Citizens advice tells us that around 30% of money spent on energy bills is wasted through poor insulation. Whether it's a draughty door, a poorly fitted window or poor insulation, there’s a lot to be lost by ignoring problems around the house. Our experts can identify areas of concern and offer a free quote for ways to save money on your heating bills.

Whatever you want to do, we’re happy to help you get things done and as always, if in doubt, give us a shout.  

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